Evidence suggests people often click "AGREE" before they access, read, or understand digital service policies.
The clickwrap is a problematic user-interface design helping digital services speed people to "I agree to the terms and conditions".
Publications & Reports
Why did people ignore the terms and conditions of this fake social network?
Research suggests people ignore privacy policies and other terms of service due to: policies being a nuisance, clickwraps, and a lack of interest in privacy considerations when accessing services. Implications are clear as 93% of participants in the undergraduate study agreed to give up their first-born child for service access.
How long and complicated are terms of service and privacy policies for popular services?
People ignore policies because they are long and complicated. How long and how complicated? Read these reports about the policy length and complexity of popular social media and other services.
Policymakers, platforms, and publics must all acknowledge that "the biggest lie on the internet" is a problem.
Discover Solutions
Let’s prevent big data discrimination by raising awareness about “the biggest lie on the internet”.
When we agree to policies without reading or understanding them, we support problematic big data practices. Research demonstrates that marginalized populations are most likely to be hurt by big data discrimination. Raising awareness about “the biggest lie on the internet” is one potential solution. Click “Explore Potential Solutions” to read about the growing number of projects beyond this site working to also identify solutions. Click to visit OpenMedia.org to take action by supporting a related privacy campaign.