A list of publications addressing questions related to "the biggest lie on the internet".

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Author(s) Date Category Title and Link
Acquisti, A., Brandimarte, L., & Loewenstein, G. 2020 Social Science Secrets and likes: The drive for privacy and the difficulty of achieving it in the digital age. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Bakos, Y., Marotta-Wurgler, F., & Trossen, D. R. 2014 Social Science Does anyone read the fine print? Consumer attention to standard-form contracts. The Journal of Legal Studies.
Balebako, R., Schaub, F., Adjerid, I., Acquisti, A., & Cranor, L. 2015 Social Science The impact of timing on the salience of smartphone app privacy notices. ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices.
Bannihatti Kumar, V., Iyengar, R., Nisal, N., Feng, Y., Habib, H., Story, P., Cherivirala, S., Hagan, M., Cranor, L.F., Wilson, S., Schaub, F., & Sadeh, N. 2020 Social Science Finding a choice in a haystack: Automatic extraction of opt-out statements from privacy policy text. Proceedings of The Web Conference.
Ben-Shahar, O. 2009 Law The myth of the ‘opportunity to read’ in contract law. European Review of Contract Law.
Ben-Shahar, O., & Schneider, C. E. 2011 Law The failure of mandated disclosure. University of Pennsylvania Law Review.
Calo, R. 2011 Law Against notice skepticism in privacy (and elsewhere). Notre Dame Law Review.
Colnago, J., Feng, Y., Palanivel, T., Pearman, S., Ung, M., Acquisti, A., Cranor, L. F., & Sadeh, N. 2020 Social Science Informing the design of a personalized privacy assistant for the internet of things. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Cranor, L. F. 2012 Social Science Necessary but not sufficient: Standardized mechanisms for privacy notice and choice. Journal on Telecom. and High Technology Law.
Das, A., Degeling, M., Smullen, D., & Sadeh, N. 2018 Social Science Personalized privacy assistants for the internet of things. IEEE Pervasive Computing.
Degeling, M., Utz, C., Lentzsch, C., Hosseini, H., Schaub, F., & Holz, T. 2019 Social Science We Value Your Privacy… Now Take Some Cookies. Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium.
Draper, N. A. & Turow, J. 2019 Social Science The corporate cultivation of digital resignation. New Media & Society.
Felt, A. P., Egelman, S., Finifter, M., Akhawe, D., & Wagner, D. 2012 Social Science How to ask for permission. 7th USENIX Conference on Hot Topics in Security.
Feng, Y., Yao, Y., & Sadeh, N. 2021 Social Science A design space for privacy choices: Towards meaningful privacy control in the internet of things. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Gluck, J., Schaub, F., Friedman, A., Habib, H., Sadeh, N., Cranor, L. F., & Agarwal, Y. 2016 Social Science How short is too short? Implications of length and framing on the effectiveness of privacy notices. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
Gray, C. M., Kou, Y., Battles, B., Hoggatt, J., & Toombs, A. L. 2018 Social Science The dark (patterns) side of UX design. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Gray, C. M., Santos, C., Bielova, N., Toth, M., & Clifford, D. 2021 Social Science Dark patterns and the legal requirements of consent banners: An interaction criticism perspective. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Groom, V., & Calo, R. 2011 Social Science Reversing the privacy paradox: An experimental study. TPRC 2011.
Hargittai, E., & Marwick, A. 2016 Social Science “What can I really do?” Explaining the privacy paradox with online apathy. International Journal of Communication.
Hartzog, W. 2010 Law Website design as contract. American University Law Review.
Hartzog, W. 2010 Law The new price to play: Are passive online media users bound by terms of use? Communication Law and Policy.
Hartzog, W. 2016 Law The inadequate, invaluable fair information practices. Maryland Law Review.
Hoofnagle, C. J., & Urban, J. M. 2014 Law Alan Westin’s privacy homo economicus. Wake Forest Law Review.
Hoofnagle, C. J. 2018 Law Designing for consent. Journal of European Consumer and Market Law.
Karanicolas, M. 2021 Law Too long; didn’t read: Finding meaning in platforms’ terms of service agreements. University of Toledo Law Review.
Kelley, P. G., Cesca, L., Bresee, J., & Cranor, L. F. 2010 Social Science Standardizing privacy notices: An online study of the nutrition label approach. SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems.
Kelley, P. G., Consolvo, S., Cranor, L. F., Jung, J., Sadeh, N., & Wetherall, D. 2012 Social Science A conundrum of permissions: Installing applications on an android smartphone. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security.
Kröger, J. L., Lutz, O. H. M., & Ullrich, S. 2021 Social Science The myth of individual control: Mapping the limitations of privacy self-management. SSRN..
McDonald, A. M., & Cranor, L. F. 2008 Social Science The cost of reading privacy policies. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society.
Marotta-Wurgler, F. 2012 Social Science Does contract disclosure matter? Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.
Milne, G. R. & Culnan, M. J. 2004 Social Science Strategies for reducing online privacy risks: Why consumers read (or don’t read) online privacy notices. Journal of Interactive Marketing.
Milne, G. R., Culnan, M. J., & Greene, H. 2006 Social Science A longitudinal assessment of online privacy notice readability. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.
Naeini, P. E., Bhagavatula, S., Habib, H., Degeling, M., Bauer, L., Cranor, L. F., & Sadeh, N. 2017 Social Science Privacy expectations and preferences in an {IoT} world. Thirteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
Nissenbaum, H. 2011 Social Science A contextual approach to privacy online. Daedalus.
Nouwens, M., Liccardi, I., Veale, M., Karger, D., & Kagal, L. 2020 Social Science Dark patterns after the GDPR: Scraping consent pop-ups and demonstrating their influence. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Nouwens, M., Bagge, R., Kristensen, J. B., & Klokmose, C. N. 2022 Social Science Consent-O-Matic: Automatically answering consent pop-ups using adversarial interoperability. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts.
Okoyomon, E., Samarin, N., Wijesekera, P., Elazari Bar On, A., Vallina-Rodriguez, N., Reyes, I., Feal, A., & Egelman, S. 2019 Social Science On the ridiculousness of notice and consent: Contradictions in app privacy policies. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Pangrazio, L., & Selwyn, N. 2018 Social Science “It’s not like it’s life or death or whatever”: Young people’s understandings of social media data. Social Media + Society.
Reidenberg, J. R., Breaux, T., Cranor, L. F., French, B., Grannis, A., Graves, J. T., Liu, F., McDonald, A., Norton, T. B., Ramanath, R., Russell, N.C., Sadeh, N., & Schaub, F. 2015 Social Science Disagreeable privacy policies: Mismatches between meaning and users’ understanding. Berkeley Technology Law Journal.
Renaud, K., & Shepherd, L. A. 2018 Social Science How to make privacy policies both GDPR-compliant and usable. International Conference On Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment.
Renaud, K., Volkamer, M., Mayer, P., & Grimm, R. 2021 Social Science Principles for designing authentication mechanisms for young children: Lessons learned from KidzPass. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction.
Richards, N., & Hartzog, W. 2018 Law The pathologies of digital consent. Washington University Law Review.
Samples, T., Ireland, K., & Kraczon, C. 2023 Social Science TL;DR: The law and linguistics of social platform terms-of-use. SSRN.
Santos, C., Nouwens, M., Toth, M., Bielova, N., & Roca, V. 2021 Social Science Consent management platforms under the GDPR: Processors and/or controllers? Annual Privacy Forum.
Sathyendra, K. M., Ravichander, A., Story, P. G., Black, A. W., & Sadeh, N. 2017 Social Science Helping users understand privacy notices with automated query answering functionality: An exploratory study. Technical report.
Sathyendra, K. M., Wilson, S., Schaub, F., Zimmeck, S., & Sadeh, N. 2017 Social Science Identifying the provision of choices in privacy policy text. Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
Schaub, F., Balebako, R., Durity, A. L., & Cranor, L. F. 2015 Social Science A design space for effective privacy notices. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
Selinger, E., & Hartzog, W. 2020 Law The inconsentability of facial surveillance. Loyola Law Review.
Shvartzsh-naider, Y., Apthorpe, N., Feamster, N., & Nissenbaum, H. 2019 Social Science Going against the (appropriate) flow: A contextual integrity approach to privacy policy analysis. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing.
Solove, D. J. 2012 Law Introduction: Privacy self-management and the consent dilemma. Harvard Law Review.
Solove, D. J. 2021 Law The myth of the privacy paradox. George Washington Law Review.
Solove, D. J. 2022 Law The limitations of privacy rights. SSRN.
Steinfeld, N. 2016 Social Science “I agree to the terms and conditions”:(How) do users read privacy policies online? An eye-tracking experiment. Computers in Human Behavior.
Tene, O., & Polonetsky, J. 2012 Social Science Big data for all: Privacy and user control in the age of analytics. Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property.
Utz, C., Degeling, M., Fahl, S., Schaub, F., & Holz, T. 2019 Social Science (Un) informed consent: Studying GDPR consent notices in the field. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
Waldman, A. E. 2017 Law A statistical analysis of privacy policy design. Notre Dame Law Review Online.
Waldman, A. E. 2018 Law Privacy, notice, and design. Stanford Technology Law Review.
Waldman, A. E. 2020 Law Cognitive biases, dark patterns, and the ‘privacy paradox’. Current Opinion in Psychology.
Wijesekera, P., Baokar, A., Tsai, L., Reardon, J., Egelman, S., Wagner, D., & Beznosov, K. 2017 Social Science The feasibility of dynamically granted permissions: Aligning mobile privacy with user preferences. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Wijesekera, P., Reardon, J., Reyes, I., Tsai, L., Chen, J. W., Good, N., Wagner, D., Beznozov, K., & Egelman, S. 2018 Social Science Contextualizing privacy decisions for better prediction (and protection). CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Zhang, S., Feng, Y., Das, A., Bauer, L., Cranor, L. F., & Sadeh, N. 2020 Social Science Understanding people’s privacy attitudes towards video analytics technologies. Proceedings of the FTC PrivacyCon.